The purpose of São Lourenço Ambiental, is the preservation of the environment by preventing the contamination of the air and soil, by the mercury present in the composition of fluorescent lamps. Consumers of fluorescent lamps on a large scale as public agencies, schools, hospitals and large enterprises, benefit from the economic advantages for its low power consumption and long service life.
However, If you encounter difficulties in the management of this waste, as the occupation of areas that could be productive being used to stock this material and the need for packaging and transport lamps to recycling plants.
The São Lourenço Ambiental, focuses on the management of waste from unserviceable lamps, descaracterizando and decontaminating them, generating in the process by-products decontaminated and liable to recycling, featuring a self-sustaining full product cycle process. This process of waste management of unserviceable lamps have as best practice policies premises adopted by ISO certifications systems, as well as effective determinations of the best current SGR systems.