- ANTAQ authorization for maritime transport: 0542267
- ANTT: 044916439
- AFE Anvisa: 9.07510-1
- AFE Anvisa: 9.07515-9
- COMLURB: Accreditation no. 255
- CREA-RJ: 200025211-7
- Interstate authorization for the transport of dangerous goods: 4929465
- ABNT NBR ISO certification 9001:2015: ALC – OCS – 0224/19
- ABNT NBR ISO certification 14001:2015: ALC – OCA – 0028/20
- ABNT NBR ISO certification 45001:2018: ALC – OHSAS – 0027/20-224/19
- Federal Technical Registry (CTF): 4929465
- LO Receiver: 109/2020
- LO Transportation: IN002838
- LO Decontamination of tanks: IN002914
certification scope:
Freight transport, Class I waste management - hazardous, classes IIA (not inert) e IIB (Inert) for the segments: Oil & Gas – On Shore and Off Shore; industrial; Commercial and Civil Construction. Services provision: maintenance, repair, cleaning and decontamination of: Tanks, machines and equipment.
Integrated management policy:
I. São Lourenço Ambiental is committed to improving the effectiveness of its services, integrated management system and processes, through the commitment to comply with the following items:
II. Provide quality processes and services, that meet the needs of customers and stakeholders;
III. Ensuring and ensuring compliance with legal requirements, statutory, of customers and other subscribers, applicable to our business;
IV. Continuously improve the performance of the integrated management system, through the development, commitment to consultation and participation of workers and to mutual benefits with stakeholders;
V. Continuously improve processes, seeking to protect the environment, the prevention of pollution, the prevention of work incidents, the elimination of dangers, reducing OSH risks and improving the quality of services;
WE. Establish the objectives of the integrated management system, continuously improving results;
VII. Provide a suitable work environment, guided by the Code of Ethics and Institutional Conduct, that contributes to the sustainable development of São Lourenço and all who work on its behalf.